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"Children of the Occupation: Japan’s Untold Story"

"Children of the Occupation: Japan’s Untold Story"

Walter Hamilton, Journalist

October 2012

Walter Hamilton, author of the new book Children of the Occupation: Japan's Untold Story, spoke about the mixed-race offspring of Allied servicemen who remained in Japan following the post-World War II occupation: their struggles for acceptance, recognition and identity.

Lynne Williams' talk The National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA)

Lynne Williams' talk The National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA)

Lynne Williams, Director, The National Institute of Dramatic Art

May 2012

Lynne Williams, Director, The National Institute of Dramatic Art, talked about how NIDA is increasingly becoming vital to Australia's cultural and innovation strategy, in addition to the school's vision for the future.

Bec Dean on the activities of Performance Space

Bec Dean on the activities of Performance Space

Bec Dean, Associate Director, Performance Space

November 2011

Bec Dean, Associate Director, Performance Space (Sydney) gave a presentation at Shin Minatomura, where many art organisations were invited and gathered from Japan and abroad.  Ms Dean talked about the wide range of activities of the Performance Space.  Ms Dean talked about the wide range of activities for which Performance Space is known as a leading organisation in this field in Australia.

Sharing the emotional journey of ballet with Japanese audiences

Sharing the emotional journey of ballet with Japanese audiences

September 2010

Madeleine Eastoe and Adam Bull recently came to Japan as part of the Australian Ballet’s preparations for their upcoming performances in October.  They shared some interesting behind-the-scenes stories.  The Australia Ballet has been seen dancing on the world stages as well as up on the silver screen. As they prepare to perform over seven days in Tokyo and Nagoya, members are also appearing in the elegantly filmed ballet scenes in the movie “Mao’s Last Dancer” which has been enthusiastically received in Japan.