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The following is a list of major projects with cultural components that the Australian Embassy has been involved in.

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Current Projects

Australia House

Australia House

Australia House is an exciting art project which started as part of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial in 2009. Under this project, Australia House became a base to showcase Australian art and host regular bilateral exchanges.


Past Projects

An Australian Journey in Setouchi 2010

An Australian Journey in Setouchi 2010

The Setouchi International Art Festival was held around the port of Takamatsu and on seven islands for 100 days from July 2010. Seven Australian artists showed their works on three islands, Teshima, Shodoshima and Ogijima. Their "work with the community" is shown on this website.


2006 Australia-Japan Year of Exchange

2006 Australia-Japan Year of Exchange

The 2006 Australia-Japan Year of Exchange (YOE), celebrated the aniversary of the 30th anniversary of the signing of the 1976 Basic Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Australia and Japan. The aim of the year was to promote friendship, deeper mutual understanding and cooperation between Australia and Japan, especially at the grass roots level.

Over 800 were endorsed to take place in various locations in Australia and Japan throughout 2006.


Ancient Future 2003

Ancient Future 2003

"Ancient Future - Australian Arts Festival 2003" introduced Australia's diverse artistic life over a six month period through a range of events.


Hybrid Objects 2002

Hybrid Objects 2002

It represented a landmark in the promotion of Australian design creativity, originality and innovation, to a large Japanese and international audience.


New Media Gallery 2001

New Media Gallery 2001

The Australia-Japan New Media Gallery presented the expressive potential of new media technologies online.
