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Theatre in Conflict Zone3-Disturbance and Theatre: "Ngapartji Ngapartji'"

3 December 2011 - 4 December 2011

A series of plays called 'Theatre in Conflict Zone 3 - Disturbance and Theatre planned and produced by the International Theatre Institute will be held from 2-4 December in Tokyo.  One of their plays will be "Ngapartji Ngapartji", written by Trevor Jamieson, an Australian Indigenous actor and Scott Rankin, a playwright and producer.  The Japanese version of this play will be performed for the first time.

"Ngapartji Ngapartji" is a play and has been presented at various international festivals since 2002, including the Laocoon Festival in Hamburg, Germany, the Adelaide Festival and the Sydney Festival.
As for the title, in the English language there appears to be no adequate translation for the Pitjantjatjara concept, 'Ngapartji Ngapartji'.  Many suggest that its closest equivalent in the Australian vernacular is something like, “I give … you give in return.”


"Ngapartji Ngapartji" is a story about Trevor Jamieson's family, including his grandfather and parents, as well as a history of Pitjantjatjara people to whom his family belongs.  Between 1953 and 1965 the arid rangelands of South Australia were subjected nine major nuclear bomb detonations, and about 600 smaller bomb trials.  And that was also the place where the Pitjantjatjara people were carrying on their traditional way of life without any contact with immigrants. "Ngapartji Ngapartji" tells the true story of the Pitjantjatjara people who were moved off their lands to make way for British atomic testing.

Trevor Jamieson:

Trevor Jamieson was born in Western Australia in 1975.  Jamieson is a dancer, guitarist, singer and storyteller.  He is also a talented film, TV and theatre actor.

Theatre in Conflict Zone3-Disturbance and Theatre: "Ngapartji Ngapartji'" Theatre in Conflict Zone3-Disturbance and Theatre: "Ngapartji Ngapartji'" Theatre in Conflict Zone3-Disturbance and Theatre: "Ngapartji Ngapartji'"
Ngapartji Ngapartji 

3 December 2011

Reservation by e-mail or fax
Please specify your name, contact details, date and time, title of play and number of tickets and email to iti-doran@myad.jp or Fax: 03-3478-7218.


19:00 -

*There will be a post performance talk by Mr Keiji Sawada and Mr Yoshio Wada.


Iwato Theatre 3F

Iwato-cho 7
Tokyo 162-0832

Phone: 03-5225-3635


Admission 1500yen

Mr Hayashi, International Theatre Institute

Phone: 090-6489-8168

Fax: 03-5389-6524

Website: http://www.green.dti.ne.jp/~iti/doran/index.html

Email: terra@msb.biglobe.ne.jp

Ngapartji Ngapartji

4 December 2011

Reservation by e-mail or fax
Please specify your name, contact details, date and time, title of play and number of tickets and email to iti-doran@myad.jp or Fax: 03-3478-7218.


18:00 -


Iwato Theatre 3F

Iwato-cho 7
Tokyo 162-0832

Phone: 03-5225-3635


Admission 1500yen

Mr Hayashi, International Theatre Institute

Phone: 090-6489-8168

Fax: 03-5389-6524

Website: http://www.green.dti.ne.jp/~iti/doran/index.html

Email: terra@msb.biglobe.ne.jp

Other Information

Credit line for the above images in center and right:
Written and Directed by Scott Rankin for Trevor Jamieson
Photographer: Jon Green of Jon Green Photography, Perth Western Australia

Ngapartji Ngapartji

"Stolen", "The 7 Stages of Grieving"(2002)
"Silent Partner" (2003)
"Up The Ladder" (2003)
"Radiance" (2005)
"Dreamers" (2005)
"Last Cab to Darwin" (2006)
"Cookie's Table" (2006)
"Rainbow's End" (2007)
"Gary's House" (2008)
"Windmill Baby" (2008)
"Bitin' Back" (2009)
"Windmill Baby" (2010)

We look forward to hearing your feedback regarding this event.

2011 Events Archive Page