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Maude Bath – Australia House Felting Workshops

Australian Textile Artist, Maude Bath invites interested members of the Urada community and visitors to Urada to a series of felt making workshops.

Felting is an easy, enjoyable and very accessible process for people of all ages. It is magical, tactile, warm and comforting, and does not need great strength.

In a series of fun workshops, using only common everyday dishwashing detergent, water and sushi mats, Maude will demonstrate how to make this age-old fabric, used by humans for more than 8,000 years.

To begin with Maude will teach you to make bracelets, brooches, book covers and other simple but beautiful items.

Those people interested in going further will be invited to create a felt notan using their favourite image from the region; it may be a flower, a head of rice, koi, an ibis or sea shells. Each design will then be applied to a piece of felt about the size of a sushi mat. The individual pieces will then be joined together to create a group of shoji screen panels for an exhibition at the end of the workshops.

Exhibition "Double Image - a fusion of two cultures"

Maude Bath gives this age-old fabric a new twist. These pieces express the links between Japan and Australia in two ways; firstly in the contrasting imagery and pictures sitting side by side, secondly in the welding of Japanese silk with Australian merino wool to express the permanent bond between the two cultures.

Workshop schedule

Date: Every Saturday between 12 June and 24 July 2010, except for 26 June.
Time: 13:00 – 15:00
Venue: Urada Kokusetsu Kanri Centre in Tokamachi, Niigata (in front of Urada Primary School)
Cost: Free

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Exhibition schedule

Date: 1 to 31 August 2010
Venue: Urada Kokusetsu Kanri Centre
Admission: Free admission


Echigo Tsumari Information Centre, Ms Arai
Tel: 025-595-6688
E-mail: info@tsumari-artfield.com